Consulting GmbH
Kirchhorster Str. 27
D-30659 Hannover
+49 (0) 511 - 89 83 89 - 0
+49 (0) 511 - 89 83 89 - 10
Agrochemicals | Services
- Risk assessments according to current EU guidelines and specific national requirements covering all groups of ecological relevant species:
- Terrestrial vertebrates, aquatic / sediment dwelling organisms, bees, non-target arthropods, soil dwelling organisms and non-target terrestrial plants
- Deterministic approaches (TER, HQ, ETR) for standard and higher tier assessments:
- Comparison of predicted exposure levels with endpoints from laboratory, extended laboratory, micro- and mesocosm and other semi-field and field tests
- Generic refinements as agreed by the competent authority (national specific)
- Refinements of exposure levels with regard to more realistic conditions and / or implementation of risk mitigation measures, choice of focal species (e.g. birds / mammal risk assessment), weight-of-evidence approaches on the relevance of endpoints, recolonisation / recovery of treated areas and affected species
- Refinement of trigger values (e.g. reduction of uncertainty factors in view of higher tier data or an extended data base with lower tier endpoints)
- Probabilistic approaches, such as species sensitivity distribution (SSD-plots) and related probabilistic risk assessments
- Expert judgment on qualitative endpoints from field studies
- Assessment on the biological activity of metabolites
- At all stages of the risk assessments:
- Evaluation and critical review of the existing data base
- Identification (and monitoring) of appropriate studies